We are business people who are concerned with the lack of opportunity that people have to purchase their own home. We feel it is the right of every Canadian family to be able to have a home of their own. The following are the 4 main reasons that a bank will not give a mortgage for some to purchase a home:

1. Debt ratio too high.

2. Credit rating too bad.

3. Credit score too low.

4. Down payment not high enough.

We have come up with a way to solve all these problems. If you can find a home that you would love to own, we will buy it for you. You will simply pay rent while living in the home for 3 years. After that we transfer the title into your name. 


During the three years:

1. We help you to fix your credit.

2. We accumulate more towards the down payment.

3. We assist you in eliminating your debt.

4. We position you for an easy transfer of title into your name.

Why wait for someday to get into your dream home? Move into your dream home NOW!!!